Sunday, November 30, 2008

eki eki

Hi there sports fans

Golly gosh. Summer eh? This is going to be swell. I have now finished school, graduated, and am allowing myself the feeling of relaxation again. It has been a good year since we were last aquainted and let me tell you, I have missed it. Readjusting to life post study is like applying the brakes to your life until you're at a complete standstill. At the moment I'm just sitting, doing nothing. No direction as of yet. It feels somewhat disconcerting, but once you get used to it, seriously wonderful.

Today, in an attempt to gain some form of cashiki, I worked at a lettuce farm. This was good, though tiring. But overall it feels good to be doing something. I may work again next week but still, nothing is certain. I may also fill my weeks with babysitting and other random paid shamozzle around the house (ie gardening) to fill my time and my wallet. ha!

These holidays are going to offer opportunities to catch up with those whom I have neglected over the past year, and too to do things I have been to busy to do. I'm looking forward to sleepovers and barbecues. Pools and watermelons. The river. Friends. Turning 18. P's. And carving my next directions. It's pretty darned exciting.

Four days at mitta for our schoolies was ideal for getting completely out of the school mindset. Definitley more camping needs to ensue also.

Take care youse,
happy holidays

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