When you get reduced to doing nothing but convulsing from lack of heat in front a fire and eating marshmallows all day long, you know it is cold. I have become plump from layers, yet the wind still somehow manages to seep through them. You really just don't want to be outside.
This all reminds me of my days in the Canadian winter, with tops of -20 degrees daily. How is one to survive? Well basically they are equipped with kick-arse jackets which Australians are ignorant of, and my, do these babies work. Our warm clothes don't even work! What the hull?!
Mmm. Today I have done lots of homework. It's true, I have neglected the whole year 12 responsibility over the holidays. Basically it's the last holiday I'm gonna have in a while so I gotta milk it for all it's worth. But the realisation has now sunk in that I have a lot to do in a short period of time. That said, it's good being productive, working under the pump.
I'm going to see some jazz tonight. That shall be fun. I'm making a habit of it, dressing up, all 1940's like, and going to see the jazz. Luvva the jazz.
The weekend is looking fantastically blank thus far. A party on saturday night, but then time and space to do as I please. Homework still calls, of course, but I'm gonna soak up this spare time before I forget what it all feels like in the dreaded month of August.
Open days, Production, SACS, Assemblies, Uni preferences, Meh, Meh, Meh...
All very exciting. Looking forward to being stretched to my limits. That is
Au reviour for now. "<~
Transcendence by Eric Zener>>>>
Hey Miss Georgia,
Love your blog! The valley must be mighty cold this time of year....although the Nation's Capital feels like it's on a mountain top some days - blustery, blowy, icy, feisty in its demeanour.
I concur with your comment on Canadian winters. Having lived through two on exchange, and walking to school one morning at
-18C, I was forever grateful for my cosy jacket and Sorel footwear (otherwise I would have clomped around the library with two blocks of ice for feet).
Keep up the flow of wonderful wordage.
Mrs K (-:
whoa! mrs k! how are you? how did you find me?? ha that is crazy! how is the old canberra? are you teaching or busy being a mother? crazy!
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