Monday, February 6, 2012

The First Cold

Monday morning. I've decided THIS is the week that I'm gonna sort my shit out. Usually, the beginning of the year involves officeworks and fresh text books and getting a wall planner and highlighters and planning and colour-coding and being on top of things. Not so, 2012.

I'm in Struggletown trying to figure out the holy heck i'm in NY quick let's do everything/ holy heck everything is SO interesting let's be a nerd balance. One thing I know is that sitting somewhere in the middle- having a crazy, balls-to-the-wall weekend, leaves me behind in school work for the new week. How do I do both?!!!! Really, I just need to pass these subjects. But I wouldn't be happy with just that..especially when the teaching here is pretty remarkable.
Everyone is SO into everything. There are talks, protests, radio shows, interviews, ...everything is so connected, I feel right in the hub. Last week I had a teleconference (hooley dooley, look out technology) with Bill McKibben, a leading climate activist. Just. Like. That. Friday there's a talk in the City about shutting down Long Island's nuclear reactor (although it never began running), with a Fukushima expert talking. Yes please. I'm not sure whether it's just the novelty of being in a university outside of Australia, but I can't get enough of it. I could be learning about anything and there's world experts within 2 hours sharing their knowledge. How bout that eh?

And people WANT to learn. Often at home it's about getting by on doing the minimum amount of work- but that is neither an acceptable, nor sought-after, way of operation over here.

But I'm getting a cold. I'll suck it up for class today then probably head home, have a bath, read, study a little, have a quiet one. 'Quiet ones' seem to be a wasted opportunity- i've gotten pretty good at doing something every night- but I don't want this illness to spread.

Carn Giants!