I'm in Struggletown trying to figure out the holy heck i'm in NY quick let's do everything/ holy heck everything is SO interesting let's be a nerd balance. One thing I know is that sitting somewhere in the middle- having a crazy, balls-to-the-wall weekend, leaves me behind in school work for the new week. How do I do both?!!!! Really, I just need to pass these subjects. But I wouldn't be happy with just that..especially when the teaching here is pretty remarkable.
Everyone is SO into everything. There are talks, protests, radio shows, interviews, ...everything is so connected, I feel right in the hub. Last week I had a teleconference (hooley dooley, look out technology) with Bill McKibben, a leading climate activist. Just. Like. That. Friday there's a talk in the City about shutting down Long Island's nuclear reactor (although it never began running), with a Fukushima expert talking. Yes please. I'm not sure whether it's just the novelty of being in a university outside of Australia, but I can't get enough of it. I could be learning about anything and there's world experts within 2 hours sharing their knowledge. How bout that eh?
And people WANT to learn. Often at home it's about getting by on doing the minimum amount of work- but that is neither an acceptable, nor sought-after, way of operation over here.
And people WANT to learn. Often at home it's about getting by on doing the minimum amount of work- but that is neither an acceptable, nor sought-after, way of operation over here.
But I'm getting a cold. I'll suck it up for class today then probably head home, have a bath, read, study a little, have a quiet one. 'Quiet ones' seem to be a wasted opportunity- i've gotten pretty good at doing something every night- but I don't want this illness to spread.
Carn Giants!