Tuesday, November 24, 2009

higos y mora y la última semana

Hi there sports fans
11.35am, November 24. I rushed into Jesus Maria this morning with not enough time to brush my teeth or get out of my pyjamas. Supposedly the bus was coming in 5 minutes but it never came. But it was one of those situations where you can´t go and brush your teeth because then you´ll miss the bus. So I grunned and barred it.

I finished reading Homer´s Odeyseus last night, which was a ripper of a story. Now I´m reading Jane Eyre. It´s Reuben´s copy, and I have to finish it before we part ways next week.

So, a bit more than a week to go. How am I feeling? Hmmmm. I have been a bit flat over the last few days. I do not have any energy at the house that I´m living in.

In my life it has never mattered that I am female. It´s never impacted upon me. Here it´s like I´m walking around naked. It´s a shit thing to feel. I get stared at all the time (in a house of 30 guys). Even when I give classic ¨puck off¨looks, and ignore people, I can still feel eyeballs on my head. It´s a bad thing to feel for so long and slowly it eats away at me.
And I have found myself in a pickle. I don´t want my gender to matter. So for that to happen, I have to get to know them as if I were a guy...which means spending time with them and getting past the obvious initial difference. But I can´t stand to be with them (the workers at the house, not the ´chicos´with the disabilities) so therefore I actively distance myself from them. Ah! Woe is me. It´s a challenging situation and it would be interesting to see how other people dealt with it. The problem would be solved if I had the company of another woman my age so we could share it. But no one else there understands how I feel.
I am looking forward to gaining distance from the house at Ascochinga and trying to nut out all of those emotions that I felt and how I could have dealt with the situation better. At the moment it´s like it´s all swarming around me and clouding my vision and in the middle I just feel battered.

Moving on

This coming weekend is my last in Cordoba. I have myself a list of all of the things that I want to accomplish, things that I haven´t done before now. Rosie is staying in student accomodation and it would be great to stay with her and experience that life.
Ah ha! Now there are two Rosies. My other friend Rosie is coming around and hopefully I will travel with her for a few weeks in Mendoza and then meet up with another friend Emma in Buenos Aires. I can´t wait to begin this solo travel, apart from the little bubble that I´m in now.

The higos and moras (figs and mulberries) are out. It reminds me a lot of home. Disco, the supermarket, now has Christmas decorations out too and there´s another feel in the air. It seems as though going home for Christmas is the best time of year to go home.

There has been heaps of rain here as well, which has turned everything green. Incredible, really. I hardly recognise the place. Reuben and I decided to sleep outside on Saturday night, por al rio (by the river) and unfortunately we got misted on hardcore. We shared a bottle of red...were thinking of sleep by 3am, but then by 5 I was completely saturated and decided to call it in.

I had a wonderful day last week picking mulberries in the sunshine with two of the chicos. We sang together and got stained faces together. I could talk with them without having to really think hard about what I was saying, and found that it just flowed out of me.

Two weekends ago Reuben and I went to La Cumbrecita, a pueblo peatonal (pedestrian-only) village nestled amongst the pines of the Sierra Cordobas. It was a wonderful day (no more) of hiking and exploring deserted waterholes and waterfalls. Also we got treated to a wondful DESAYUNO GRATIS yes please full of fresh fruit and criollitos and medialunas and tea and coffee. All very pleasant.

Now I am off to work on a scholarhip application.
Goodbye friends.
I will write soon when my head is perhaps in a better place.
Love love!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Yes yes yes hello

Wowie so a bit has happened since Uruguay, and it seems that my time here is wrapping up and in my mind it´s all coming too quickly.

Reuben and I performed the puppet play in the late afternoon sun under the big tree in the courtyard. The chicos loved it. I was playing the part of Luis, one of the chicos, who doesn´t talk but rather makes very distinct noises. I got them perfected and he was just beaming with pride. His face was classic- this old man absolutely overcome with joy and giving a big gummy smile. Usually I find him pretty annoying, but it was good to be able to be distanced by the performance and still be having fun together.
However one thing I do find disconcerting is the lack of praise I get for doing things and the loads of praise that Reuben gets doing the same things. It´s as if he´s done it by himself!! It´s happened with cooking and also this play. I don´t make a big deal of it, but it makes me a little sad on the inside. Oh wells, such comes from being in a completely male-focused country, I suppose. I don´t agree with it but I think the only thing I can do is suck it up.

I have just spent the last few days in Villa Allende, back at the orphanage with Jess, Rosie and Iona. As always it was swell to see them again, and to be able to laze without feeling slobby. Surrounded by guys all the time often I feel that my relaxation time is actually me just being lazy. Not with the girls though.

The kids are pretty funny, but really intense. I suppose that´s stereotyped, living in an orphanage. Yesterday arvo I was having a siesta because I wasn´t feeling so flash and the kids were banging against the barred window and yelling. I told them to go away because I was feeling tired and they opened up the window (from the outside) and started throwing leaves and branches and sticks onto me. OH MY LORD! They have irritation nailed. They were like monkeys against the cage. The girls are amazingly patient with the kids and are still really kind even when they´re fed up. I suppose they have learnt how to deal with it after three odd months.

This morning Rosie and Jess and I came into Cordoba. They have now left the orphanage forever!!! They are so excited about it. It´s been a good experience for them I think but also they have had a pretty tough time there. They have survived nits, never-ending colds, disgusting bathrooms, cold showers, conjunctivitis, and sharing a tiny room between three. I definitely salute them! They´re off to do a language course in Cordoba, before meeting up with their families and doing some travel separately. Iona is going to stay at the orphanage for a few weeks longer.

Reuben and I are off to the small little mountain village of La Cumbrecita. It´s nestled among the Sierra Cordobas and supposedly there´s heaps of amazing walks to precious little balnearios (swimming holes) and cascadas (waterfalls). We´re only there for a day and a half, so just a quiet little getaway. Michael is in Chile at the moment.

So I have a month left! EEEEKKk!!!! I will continue to keep you posted.
I hope you´re all well...was there a heatwave in Aus?
Lots of love!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Ur. U. Guay.

Yes it has come visa-expiration time. To combat this I have found myself outside of the embrace of the motherland, and instead into the rainy mitts of Montevideo, Uruguay! Who woulda thunk it.
November eh? Is that absurd to anybody else? Things have been going swell here. As I wrote before, last weekend was spent in Cordoba. I went out with the girlies till 8am both nights, a very easy feat when your night begins at 2am. Then returned to Ascochinga in time to watch the game between Boca and River, the nation´s most important futbol teams. El Clasico is pretty similiar to the Melbournite´s Grand Final. The place stops and people are swamping to pubs with tvs everywhere. Watching from Ascochinga had a really relaxed feel to it. Somehow I have signed up to being a Boca fan, perhaps having visited the place on a crappy tour bus for a few hours whilst in BA...however the deed is done and now, supposedly, I am a life-long fan. River scored early and defintely were the better team, however Boca scored in the second half leading to a draw. How disappointing.

On Thursday we left Ascochinga (again) to venture to Rosario, a town 300ks from BA along the Rio Paraná. We came close to Rosario on our way to Iguazu, but didn´t pass through.

It´s a beautiful city. Trees line the streets and there are freaking impressive colonial - some with a gothic twinge- buildings and walkways. There is a nice pedestrian mall which is the main drag of the city and whilst checking it out at dusk the place was alive with people of all types enjoying the fading sun. The city feels really relaxed and the nice sunny humid weather we were welcomed with really complemented this. So I had a great time there, exploring the river, attending a halloween party of some friends that we made at Oktoberfest ( a few Americans so the Halloween-theme was uber strong) and drinking muchos cafés. Both the crew from Villa Allende and BA were there too, so it was great seeing everyone once again. Although everyone is different we all get along. I suppose there is something kind of binding being with people who speak your language and share a little of your background. If we were together is Aus it is doubtful that we would all get along, we wouldn´t have to.

I left the old Rosario last night on an overnight bus to Montevideo. Hell?, I hear you ask. Nunca. The words ´coche cama´ , meaning ´car bed´, resembling the most comfortable form of transport available, are a dream. I awoke only at the border to be given my freshly-stamped passport. As the sky turned pale blue there was a storm over the flat land to the south. Lightening lit up the sky and for some reason Toto´s ´Africa´was in my head.

And now, here I am, in the Montevideo Hostel. Hostelling International member, sí. It was raining before which has allowed ample time to upload some photos onto Facebook, enter Lattitude´s photography competition, write this blog, and disect Mr. Lonely Planet Montevideo chapter to see where I shall visit. There´s no rush. I´m here till Wednesday night, then I´m catching a bus direct back to Cordoba. Montevideo has so much to explore and I´m looking forward to the sun coming out so I can walk along La Rambla, the beachside walking path.

Now I may have a shower and grab some food to mung on. I´m meeting up with the dudes at the market at 5pm, leaving a free afternoon of goodness.

Take care ya´ll, thanks for the letters, they are very much appreciated and looked forward to!
Love love love. G